Store-window TV

Window-shopping works

Notice’s Store-window TV grabs the attention of passersby and entices them into your store for you to help them leave as satisfied customers. It uses narrowcasting techniques that are ideal for retail outlets. Drop us a line today to find out how we can make a difference.

Grab their attention with moving images!

One thing’s for certain … moving images have a far greater attention value than stationary images. Passersby can’t help but turn their gaze to your store window to watch the onscreen action. Whether you use moving images to create ambiance, display campaigns, or share news items, they all lower the threshold to entering your store.

Touchscreen store windows

You can even have passersby engage with your brand through your store window, using the latest touchscreen foil technology. The interactive possibilities are endless … let them browse your website or product range, or sign up for special offers, competitions, or newsletters! However you choose to use it, it’s a great way to collect information about potential new customers.

Store-window TV in practice

A wide range of clients have already implemented our all-in-one Store-window TV solution, which includes hardware supply/installation, content creation, maintenance, and management.

All-in-one – Notice does it all

Come to us for your all-in-one store-window solutions – screens, mounting systems, installation, and content creation.

And much, much more besides …

Anywhere & everywhere

Technology has become indispensable in modern-day life and enriches it in so many ways. And nowadays, digital screens play a part in almost everybody’s lives.

Custom-made … find out more

Looking for the ultimate in store-window solutions for your retail outlets? Drop us a line today to find out how we can make a difference.

However big or complex, your AV project’s in good hands.